Standard Ice Walkers

The small walker accommodates very small children who hold the front crossbar at 21″ height, and then progress to using the side handles, which are 28″ inches high. It is most commonly used from 18 months through age 6-8 years, depending on the height of the child. The medium walker is for taller 6-8 year olds through a maximum height of 5’9″. The large walker is for those over 5’9″ in height when wearing their skates. The sides fold on all three sizes for convenient storage and transportation. Please submit the form to inquire about our Standard Ice Walkers.

These models are priced according to size. Discounts are available for orders over 10 units. Please contact us for pricing specific to your order quantity and location.

Please complete the contact form below to let us know more about your needs.

ORDERING SKATES AND WALKERS IS TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. You may still send us your information and we will contact you once we are able to fulfill orders. Thank you for your patience.

Note: Payment by check is preferred.  Credit Card is accepted with a 4.5% convenience fee added to any order.

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Standard, Pronated, and Orthotic Ice Skates

To order our skates and insure the proper size, please complete the following steps:

First photograph the feet of the individual bare-foot on a different colored background for contrast. Be sure to get a photo of the front, back and sides to show the arch or lack of arch of the foot. Include a picture up to the thighs showing the angle of the leg going down to the foot.

Examples of photographs needed (click to enlarge):




Second draw a foot pattern of each foot by holding the pen or pencil upright to go around the outside of the foot. Measure the foot with a ruler and mark next to the drawing. Please take a picture of the drawing with a ruler next to it. This ensures the measurements are accurate as scanned/faxed items can become distorted in size.

Examples of tracing and finished drawing needed (click to enlarge):





If the person wears orthotics (AFOs, RGOs, or SMOs), then the pictures and drawings should be completed with the orthotics on.

If you would like to place an order for ice skates or to request additional information, please complete the contact form on this page.

Sling and Bar Walkers / Stabilizers

Due to safety concerns with these models and the severity of the skater’s disability, these walkers are not sold without in-person training from Gliding Stars personnel. Please contact us for further information.

Photograph and Drawing Submissions

Please send your photos and drawings (as described) via US Mail to

Gliding Stars
1307 Military Road
Buffalo, NY 14217

Or scan your photos and drawings and email them to

For additional assistance or special circumstances, please call us at (716) 608-8345